Проверить файл p23oorr3.exe

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Опасно: p23oorr3.exe

Процесс: p23oorr3.exe
p23oorr3.exe is an alternative name for the PLAY_MP3 trojan. This executable file is downloaded from a website which promises the user a free .MP3 or .MPG player.Spreading through peer-to-peer file sharing networks, users download files (going by a variety of names) which are disguised as MP3s or MPGs. Instead of sharing music or video these files simply direct the user to a web page from where, they are promised, they can download a free media player.They will then install the PLAY_MP3.EXE executable, which, when run, installs the Downloader-UA.h downloader. Oddly the user is also shown, and asked to accept, a lengthy license agreement permitting the installation of the adware programs "SurfingEnhancer" and "FBrowsingAdvisor" onto the user`s PC.Once installed the PLAY_MP3.EXE file can perform a number of malicious activities including displaying adware, installing unwanted programs, hijacking the user`s system and communicating with third parties. The promised media player then turns out to be a web-based player which offers only a limited range of saved tracks.As a note on naming, trojans may have different versions of themselves, each with a different name and possibly slightly different behavior. These various versions are called strains, and trojans and their strains can also be grouped into families. Play_MP3.exe (and its over 220 alternatively named strains) are part of Downloader-UA.h downloader, Trojan.AdClicker, and Adware Generic2.AARK families.
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